About Beneli

Beneli is an innovative contract manufacturer that offers printed electronics and complex adhesive applications​ with high quality requirements

/ 1991​

Founded by Bengt Eliasson.​

/ 2020​

Volati acquires all the shares in Beneli AB. ​

Volati is a Swedish listed industrial group formed in 2003.​

Volati develops companies with an emphasis on long-term value creation. Its strategy is to build on the identity and entrepreneurial spirit of the companies, adding leadership, expertise, processes and financial resources.



/ Our vision

Beneli shall be a world-leading contract manufacturer of adhesive printed electronics,​ from idea to customized solution.

/ Our values​

Our goal is to deliver value that helps to increase​ our customer’s profitability. Beneli’s identity is​ based on the following values:​

  • Engagement 

  • Teamwork

  • Innovation

  • Quality


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About Beneli

Beneli is an innovative contract manufacturer that offers printed electronics and complex adhesive applications​ with high quality requirements.

Contact Us

Visiting & shipping: Porfyrgatan 5, SE-254 68 Helsingborg, Sweden
Address: Beneli AB, P.O. Box 22023,
SE-250 22 Helsingborg, Sweden
Tel: +46(0)42-25 60 00
Fax: +46(0)42-15 68 91
Email: info@beneli.com; sales@beneli.com