Beneli featured in Eletroniktidningen

Great news! Beneli has been featured in an article in Eletroniktidningen. This magazine covers monthly news about the Swedish electronics industry.

Printing electronics for others

EKG – surveillance, temperature indicator, contractions during childbirth, liquid in band-aid and gasses from bad food are a few of the applications for the electronic products that are produced by Benelis printing machines. They have a revenue of around one hundred million Swedish crowns per year.

“We are going to be world-leading, not only when it comes to production but the whole chain from idea to volume-production. That is a goal which is not unrealistic” says Henric Ungh, who started his role as CEO at Beneli in September 2021. The company is since 2020 owned by the publicly listed investment-company Volati. “

Read the whole article (in Swedish) here:

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