
Why should you work at Beneli?

If you’re looking for a workplace where you don’t dread going to work on a Monday morning, Beneli is the place for you! The employees at Beneli share a strong bond, a great camaraderie and a sense of belonging. See our video where Nicole explains why she loves her job!

Teknisk operatör

Technical operator

Do you have experience working in production and have a great interest in technology? This might be the job for you, click on the link below to learn more and apply.


på ett innovativt medicintekniskt bolag

Vi letar efter en erfaren och kvalificerad projektledare med högskoleingenjörsutbildning. Vi ser med fördel att du har kunskap inom medicinteknisk produktion och/eller utveckling.

Screen Printer Technician

Technical machine operator

Do you have experience working as a screen printer and have a great interest in technology? This might be the job for you, click on the link below to learn more and apply.

Be a trainee at Beneli

For graduates in Medical Technology

We are excited to announce a new trainee position for students or graduates within Medical Technology. If you are interested, please contact us and we will let you know more!

Employee profile: Magnus Ferm

Production Engineer at Beneli

Magnus Ferm – Production Engineer at Beneli

“Beneli is an incredibly exciting company with a clear vision and goal. At Beneli, employees are taken care of, and the company is at the forefront of technology and development.”

Working with Healthcare products is very exciting as they actually are products that can make a big difference for people. It feels incredibly encouraging to be a part of this development work!

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About Beneli

Beneli is an innovative contract manufacturer that offers printed electronics and complex adhesive applications​ with high quality requirements.

Contact Us

Visiting & shipping: Porfyrgatan 5, SE-254 68 Helsingborg, Sweden
Address: Beneli AB, P.O. Box 22023,
SE-250 22 Helsingborg, Sweden
Tel: +46(0)42-25 60 00
Fax: +46(0)42-15 68 91