We produce everything from smart labels to solutions with RFID or NFC technology but also functional, adhesive components for medical, automotive and industrial use. We meet challenges with innovative solutions and learn from our experiences.



A growing need for reassurance and peace-of-mind during pregnancy is a universal problem.

To make an accurate prediction of preterm labor, enable early interventions, delay preterm birth and avoid complications and costs, the customer teamed up with Beneli. Together we created a skin patch for a sensor that helps pregnant women monitor contractions, the baby’s heart rate, and general wellbeing. Beneli developed a self-adhesive patch that with the sensor was easily attached to the woman’s belly. The sensor sent data in real-time to the woman’s smartphone, where the information easily could be read.



There is an increasing demand for printed electronics in the healthcare sector. Printed electronics are used together with sensors to track the heart rate, ECG, temperature, glucose, hydration and pressure. The challenge is to understand the materials and manufacturing processes, develop effective printing patterns, developing small and flexible electronic components in a cost-efficient and sustainable way.

Benelis engineers challenged the intended solution and could through its material expertise and knowledge contributed to a better solution. The layer structure was reduced by 45%, while still having the same function and characteristics as the original.



Creating high-quality products with a long service life in harsh environments is a challenge for many companies to solve. Beneli was challenged to create a product that contained a programmable chip that should be able to adhere to metal, plastic and wood and still be programmable to enable traceability.

Beneli has with its great material knowledge developed a product that meets the customer’s high-quality demands in a very small, finished solution.  The product has an adhesive that enables it to adhere to metals, plastic, and woods in addition to resisting wiping off aggressive fluids. The high-quality advanced materials are being used in a specific order to enable radio frequency transmission when being placed on metals.



Today, moisture and mold are an occurrence that companies must perform extensive destructive work to remedy. The customer wanted to develop a system that can accurately locate moisture.

Beneli produced a moisture sensor that communicates with the customer’s system. This enables the correct identification of where moisture has been detected so that the corrective work can be narrowed down and carried out exactly where it is needed.




Advanced materials are essential for boosting the energy efficiency of modern automobiles while maintaining safety and performance. The automotive industry has changed and now produce cars that are powered by electricity. This places an even greater demand than before to reduce the weight of the car.

Beneli offer tailor-made solutions that replace many of the traditional components that exists in vehicles today. Some of these are the heating coils that are built into the car seats, the steering wheel heater, LED-headlights heaters and many more. We replace the heating coils with a paint that fulfil the same purpose but are more weight and energy efficient.




Today, many vehicles are moving on the different roads of the world. In the event of an accident, you want to be able to read out relevant information if you arrive at a crash site.

Beneli’s skilled engineers can together with the customer produce products with RFID chips that contain various forms of data. This data can be read at a longer distance, which enables the identification of relevant information. This feature can be complemented with systems that will enable the possibility of reporting real-time data.

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About Beneli

Beneli is an innovative contract manufacturer that offers printed electronics and complex adhesive applications​ with high quality requirements.

Contact Us

Visiting & shipping: Porfyrgatan 5, SE-254 68 Helsingborg, Sweden
Address: Beneli AB, P.O. Box 22023,
SE-250 22 Helsingborg, Sweden
Tel: +46(0)42-25 60 00
Fax: +46(0)42-15 68 91